Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

China’s press mentions KGA in the media.


        All around the world people cant help but take notice of KGA’s extraordinary talents.

                               Below is a link of  what CHINA had to say about Mr. Amen.

Famous American interior designer, home product designer, contemporary installation artist.
30 years of interior design and home design experience, specializes in high-end residential, hotel interior design and furniture design.
An important figure in American art and design influence, and one NSID / ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) founder.
September 1997 was named the top man ASOFA.
1999 was “Traditional Homes Magazine” named Designer of the Year.
2008 to get Houston “Charles? S? Cohen and decorative Center” presented the “star designer” title.

Reporter: Why did you choose to cooperate with DaimlerChrysler at this time to enter the Chinese market? What is your understanding of the Chinese market and the economy?
Kelly: The Dyke accepted the invitation, because I very much agree with DaimlerChrysler’s educational philosophy and ideals, we are confident that the development of Chinese design. With the proliferation of globalization trends, furnishings art in China had a tremendous demand, the future of China’s market is very confident. I hope that through this cooperation with DaimlerChrysler, to share design experiences I have accumulated over the years with the Chinese designers. Through in-depth exploration of the Chinese people’s way of life, the fashion trends and design concepts into the international life of Chinese people, Chinese people realize the building’s deep expectations.
China’s fast development, the performance of the pursuit of material development for spiritual pursuits. A large part of global resources accumulated wealth in China. Under the trend of globalization, the Chinese people through tourism, travel, exhibitions, etc., feel the charm of the many outstanding international design work, the problem is how to put a good design into their own lives. As a designer, I really want to help Chinese customers to achieve this desire. From the design and integration of interactive global lifestyle both in terms of a push.

Reporter: Regarding design, you grew up very passionate about it? There are people affect yours?
Kelly: I grew very fond of good things. My child, who lives on a farm, and later entered the school, has been looking for ways to improve their design accomplishment and ability. In the design, I always feel not satisfied, so I chose to travel around, I hope more to enrich their lives. In fact, my life has been in a “live to old to learn” state.
After graduating from college, I travel around. Later met an artist, he brought me to Houston design circles. I appreciate his design and ideals, his vision is to art and good design in New York brought Houston. In our cooperation, I design capabilities have been greatly improved. Dyke: How do you design a better service for customers through life experience? Kelly: Designers personal experience is very important, who is a product of the environment, people need to communicate animals. I am with different people, and things to communicate to produce inner sublimation, including in China met today with you as well. For me, this is a new thing.      Based on this point, I entered the basis for cooperation between China and the “Dyke furnishings arts education institutions,” we have a common understanding: the design is not a simple superposition of the elements, but to people’s lives, in order to meet people’s way of life and extend out of a work. The starting point of my entire life design is not design, design for people, so I am very valued designers awareness of life. Designers in the design, the first character should be based on different customers, including all the elements, including floor, fully integrated into a single environment to interpret their design theme. Therefore, the cooperation with DaimlerChrysler, I take into account to give Chinese designers to bring some of my personal experience and common design philosophy of teaching. For example speaking, in America, we work with customers, first and foremost be friendly mode, through mutual understanding and familiarity generated designs. This is my philosophy and Decker are the same.

Reporter: Your personal website brings together all of his work it? How would you rate your own style?

Kelly: work on the site is limited, I did not put all the work into them, because there are a lot of work has been thirty years ago. In the design, I for different customers, have a harvest when the service to everyone. As a designer itself is no taste and style, “taste too” will be part of the people denied. My design style is very much, and I have a great relationship itself, because I do not like is a conservative person, so about design, I put more emphasis on how the different elements together.      I do a lot of in the United States means of art. For the design is concerned, not only to work, but my life. I’m looking forward to the cooperation with DaimlerChrysler. I have a lot of experience you want to share to Chinese designers, especially in the global economy, culture has become globalized, the Chinese design demand is growing, China has too many people want to improve themselves through the design of the living environment and realize their lifestyle.

Reporter: How do you understand the relationship between the living space and design?

Kelly: The United States and China have a large gap between lifestyles, many of America’s wealthy live in luxurious house, due to the requirements of the owner of the house is no longer confined to the material level, but to spiritual pursuits, it will choose to move to a small apartment or house. Often these people have their own collection, including paintings, sculpture, his collection of toys, shoes, limited edition products and so on. They like to use a small space to highlight their collection, presented living space is no longer a simple function of living, more is to show off the owner’s personality and taste. I also like the house in the United States, initially I had a big house, and later moved more smaller. Now I live in the upper and lower layers of the LOFT apartment, which is an open space, I put the wardrobe, closet filled with your favorite white shirt, and I will magnify closet space, and now I sleep in the closet and enjoyed the feeling. So the size of the space is no longer the owner of the financial highlights of the logo, there are some powerful charm of a small space. So the design is not too much to think about space, pay more attention to the guests want to express ideas.

Dyke: How do you think designers should enhance their design accomplishment?

Kelly: As a young designer should stop to see something new, and then into their design, should be kept to encourage their learning. Young designers can choose a design around the circle to see something in other areas, such as paintings, sculptures, etc., much to travel, to communicate with people, increase their feelings of life, enrich their life experiences. Designers want to try a variety of ways to achieve the final result you want. Designed for the guests, but also to try to stop, put their own interests alive, so they have a desire to design, but also to stimulate and promote the interests of customers, in order to complete work better.

Reporter: What kind of furniture to occupy the position in your design?

Kelly: China is the developer of the building is usually built up and then do the design, foreign intervention earlier in the architectural design process. In the complete design space, usually on behalf of their own personality and original products. In my design work, some are self-designed custom furniture, usually a design only one. In the process, I use cast steel sink, make furniture look more quality feel. I had designed a chair, charitable fund activities organized for President Bush used his wife.

Reporter: What do you do the design process is?

Kelly: I generally will design a project is divided into three parts: building structure, functional analysis, furnished three parts. First, I need to understand the structure of the building, after which the function of the entire space will be analyzed, and finally the art interior furnishings purchase to go full-sized space. These three parts are closely linked, each link is implied space ideal owner. Finally, part of the furnishings, is part of the finishing touch is the most able to enhance interior ambience and value links.

Dyke: Do you think there is a contradiction between the designer’s personality and tolerance it? Kelly: These two points can be fused together, guests can choose a designer first is recognition of his personality, so willing to allow the designer to play his character, which in itself is not in contradiction with the inclusion. It is a fusion of a win-inclusive process. There is a strong consensus between the US people, the role of the designer and the guests are equal, for designers, I serve you, just different angles and positions we are standing. If a conflict does occur forget it, not all painful termination of cooperation with each other.      I’m offering the design process, cooperation is a pleasant, more hope to discover and understand what guests want to explore the needs of guests. When the designer to explore the guests when it is not going to hate this man. In the exploration process, bringing trust between each other.When communicating in a very cordial atmosphere, it is difficult to produce a contradiction. Normally I will be very straightforward to talk with the guests: “Do not dispute with me, because I can help you put money on the local people better.

Dyke: What do you think the international community, “furnishings division” industry? Kelly: In the United States, and no professional designer furnishings, designers typically architects, interior designers and furnishings division of unity. I think based on the special status of China, China’s furnishings industry will have great development. For the guests who would be willing to spend money to do the furnishings, furnishings division professional level is very important, whether in China or abroad, only more professional, in order to have greater development. Dyke in this area and I have reached a strong consensus on the future of the designer is a professional, eye-how, how to grasp the market, whether it can meet the service object recognition, are the educational requirements. Then I worked with DaimlerChrysler, hoping to achieve these goals, achieve good guide for designers.


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