Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

Mid-Rise Staircase

This one is a classic example of using some object as the limelight and creating a theme just around that particular object. In this case, the KGA Midrise Staircase becomes the center of attention with accompanying surroundings.

Every room in this small setup opens up to the staircase to allow easy and quick access to the floors above. The central space has been put to excellent use and extra space has not been wasted for a large staircase. It’s a highly modern setup – one that appeals to almost everyone whether they have a flare for interior design or not.

The rooms have been adorned with mirror and extra lighting for perfect illumination of small space. Some other highlights of this project include double insulation for achieving optimal temperature and reclaim of stone and oak flooring to create a blend of traditional and contemporary living. Enjoy the creativity of this beautiful home and indulge in the ingenuity of the unique staircase.
Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | KGA Midrise Staircase 20

Explore The Scrapbook

You can explore images from this project in a magazine-style digital publication now. This way, you will be able to discover the rooms as we intend you to, guided by our words. 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | anthologycover

A Video Journey

Explore our project through one of our walkthrough videos, where you can get special insight on the creative process and even tips & tricks from Kelly himself. 

Got A Project?

While our waitlist is often full, we are always happy to discuss new and exciting projects. If you’ve got a space you think would benefit from Kelly’s expertise, simply get in touch with us with the Contact Form on the website (or by clicking the button below). You can always just give us a call too! 

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