Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

Modern New Orleans Penthouse

In the second project for this client, all that remains from the first is a grand piano and a lot of ambition. Still set in magical New Orleans, but this time in a newly developed penthouse, this project is an urban oasis of modernism and relaxation.

Bathed in shades of beige, white, with major hardwood accents and light points to create a magical atmosphere even in the dark of night, this project is a modernist’s dream. Several KGA Functional Art Furniture pieces are scattered around the rooms – a poof, a mirror frame, even a few pillows.

The delimitation of spaces is done both with color and with texture. While the living room has strong textures to keep one awake, the bedroom and lounges are soft and cuddly. There is also a large terrace that makes one crave going outdoors without the risks of actually being outdoors – a safe oasis under a clear, Lousiana sky.

What more could one want?

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Explore The Scrapbook

You can explore images from this project in a magazine-style digital publication now. This way, you will be able to discover the rooms as we intend you to, guided by our words. 

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Got A Project?

While our waitlist is often full, we are always happy to discuss new and exciting projects. If you’ve got a space you think would benefit from Kelly’s expertise, simply get in touch with us with the Contact Form on the website (or by clicking the button below). You can always just give us a call too! 

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