Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

Welcome to the New KGA.NET

After months of hard work, KGA Design is proud to announce the release of our new website. Twenty years after KGA.NET’s first iteration, the new design has been completely re-imagined and modernized, taking into account today’s hottest technologies and supporting every kind of viewing device: smartphone, tablets, laptops, or advanced retina displays.

Kelly’s work is beautiful, and it was high time that his website showcased that beauty with a fresh, clean, and modern design.

With four decades of material—roughly 400 posts dating back to 1975—it has been quite a challenge to curate everything, clean it up (or replace it), and move it to its new home. Some of the process could be automated, other things must be done painstakingly by hand. As of today, every single post is present and accounted for on the new, but we are still working to get all the cover images into place. This process may take several weeks, but you can still search & browse & click through every single entry.

Thanks for following us on this journey, for your interest in KGA Designs, and for your continued support.

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