A few weeks ago, KGA Design was involved in perhaps one of our most exciting projects yet. You may already know about our involvement with the Jewish Community Centre here in Houston, TX. It’s been 15 years since we first remodelled the garden the KGA way, with benches that allow introspection and spaces to communicate and socialize. Since then, the project has been one very close to our hearts. Here is an image from back then:

Recently, however, we remodelled the garden again. To bring this ethereal space up to date in terms of aesthetics and energy, we enjoyed the help of the most dynamic tool we could have dreamt of: youth. Several children of JCC members got together to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of the loveliest young lady. As you know, it is customary to dedicate time to community service ahead of celebrating this impressive milestone of spiritual evolution. This impressive young woman chose to assist KGA Design with the garden, along with her friends, therefore contributing to the creation and sustenance of a space that allows JCC members to relax and explore the alleys of their minds.

The pictures speak for themselves. Together, we enjoyed a day full of energy, full of dynamism, and full of meditation on what it means to restore – to take what is old and give it a new air, while remaining respectful to history. Similar to growing up and maturing, a change of identity simultaneous with growth is to be expected. And if done well, it can create not only the most wonderful things, but also the most precious memories.
We thank young Eliana Rose Gottlieb for her efforts, and wish her a sincere Mazel Tov at the dawn of her beautiful life. And you, dear reader, we invite to explore the project in pictures with us: